Hymns and choruses recorded in a simple style to support congregational worship

A project of the Waranga Uniting Churches, Victoria, Australia

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Waranga Uniting Churches

Formed of the Congregations from the towns of Colbinabbin, Murchison, Rushworth, Tatura and Toolamba.

Our congregations throughout the district are caring communities to which all people can belong.

Some of our congregations may be a tiny community of a dozen people, but they are warm vibrant and alive.

They have many faces. There are older people and young, families and single people, people of one culture or many.

About Us

We are a small ecumenical group who gather to record hymns and choruses at Murchison Victoria


Every effort has been made to trace the copyright holders of all the hymns and choruses in this
collection and we hope that no copyright has been infringed. Apology is made and pardon sought if the contrary be the case, and a correction will be made.

Users should refer to the copyright information on each hymn as noted in Together in Song – HarperCollinsReligious 1999.

Performance copyright is jointly held by Waranga Uniting Churches and those who have participated in the recording sessions.